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  Babt Philo Killer ....
From: Bob Riffle <71270.3070 at compuserve.com> on 1998.06.10 at 02:34:06(2256)
C'est moi. Has anyone ever taken a whiff of the fruit cut open?
To this schnoz it's banana, clove, lemon, a dash of turpentine and
something peppery, like clerodendum bungei or carnation. Oh, it's
Philo selloum (bipinnatifidum) what got whacked. Do other Philo
fruit have all these aromas? I know Monstera does ....

From: Mike Bernardoni <mikeb at GlobalEyes.net> on 1998.06.10 at 03:30:42(2257)
Hi I have a nice size Philo selloeum.. I have read info that it can take
freezing temps..its roots that is...Mike

Bob Riffle wrote:

From: Bob Riffle <71270.3070 at compuserve.com> on 1998.06.10 at 12:59:06(2259)
Mike, in my experience the leaves of P. selloum are undamaged by
anything above about 26'F., but the trunk (if the plant has formed
one) will survive about 22'F., and the root will resprout from
as low a temp as 18'F .... sometimes .

mello-barretoanum, if that's still a valid binomial!

From: Gary Meltzer <kathann1 at tsoft.com> on 1998.06.10 at 18:56:21(2263)

At 08:00 AM 6/10/98 -0500, Bob Riffle wrote:

>Mike, in my experience the leaves of P. selloum are undamaged

From: Bob Riffle <71270.3070 at compuserve.com> on 1998.06.10 at 22:16:30(2267)
Yes, Gary, the length of freezing temps is almost as important as
the actual reading, especially for tropical/subtropical plants.
I suspect a breadfruit tree might be unharmed by 30 seconds of
0'C., but that 30 minutes at that temp would kill it to the ground.

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