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  Philo mello-barretoanum
From: golf strategies - international golf course architects <golfstra at cyvox.net.au> on 1998.06.11 at 13:30:55(2271)
Bob Riffle wrote:
> Mike, in my experience the leaves of P. selloum are undamaged by
> anything above about 26'F., but the trunk (if the plant has formed
> one) will survive about 22'F., and the root will resprout from
> as low a temp as 18'F .... sometimes .
> mello-barretoanum, if that's still a valid binomial!

Dear Bob...my understanding is that Mayo synonymised P.mello-barretoanum
under P. bipinnatifidum in his revision of the subgenus Meconostigma.
As I'm at work I don't have a copy here to check but that's what my
memory tells me. I have only seen photos of this plant but they do seem
pretty different plants to my amateur eye. I would dearly love to obtain
a plant or some seeds...any one out there who could help?

I'll check with my copy of Mayo and report back tomorrow!

regards Neil

From: Bob Riffle <71270.3070 at compuserve.com> on 1998.06.12 at 13:05:42(2277)
Neil, I'd much appreciate knowing P. mello-barretoanum's taxonomic
status now. Seems to me it couldn't be (whether it's to be in-
cluded in P. bipinnatifidum or no) nearly as hardy to cold as is
the latter species, because its native habitat is, as I understand
it, so much farther north of pinnatifidum.

Thanks ....

From: "Peter Wunderlin" <pmdes at iafrica.com> on 1998.06.13 at 14:40:06(2287)
Hi Bob,
I am very interested in P. mello-baretoanum. Is there seeds available

From: Bob Riffle <71270.3070 at compuserve.com> on 1998.06.14 at 05:31:56(2292)
Peter, I know of no place now to get either seeds or plants of
things like P. mello-barretoanum. Used to have (many years ago)
extensive lists from around the world, but they are all long out
of date now.

From: "Jared R. Shortman" <jared at libcong.com> on 1998.06.14 at 14:22:01(2299)
One should not assume plant hardiness based off of the nativity of a plant.
Sometimes you can guess from a plant's climate, but look at some plants that
in nature never receive freezing temperatures, yet are hardy in cultivation
where temperatures dip lower. I use the example of Macfadyena unguis-cati
(not an Aroid sorry), native to deep, mesic tropics, yet weedy even here in
Tucson, Arizona USA where plants have been subjected to temps in the low
teens without a problem. In fact neither does extreme drought seem to be a
problem, or Round Up (I have known a few who did not want it in a spot due
to its tenacious growing habits (it will grow over about anything, houses,
trees, much like Boston, or English Ivy). When a plant is hardy sometimes it
is genetic selection for sure, however just because a plant has not been
selected for a certain trait in its environment doesn't mean it won't posses
that trait. Especially if there is not particular reason NOT to have cold
hardiness. I tend never to assume a plant is less hardy based off its
environment, especially if it related to a plant that is hardy.

Jared R. Shortman

From: Bob Riffle <71270.3070 at compuserve.com> on 1998.06.14 at 14:25:53(2300)
Peter W.,

I haven't found a direct source for P. mello-barretoanum, but I found
a book that supposedly lists a source. The book is SEED SEARCH
published by a Karen Platt in England. She wants 18 pounds postage
paid for it:

From: "Sue Zunino" <suez at Northcoast.com> on 1998.06.14 at 14:33:46(2302)
>Hi Bob,
I am very interested in P. mello-baretoanum. Is there seeds available
From: Bob Riffle <71270.3070 at compuserve.com> on 1998.06.14 at 14:37:35(2303)
Peter Wunderlin, I have now found a *direct* source for
Philodendron mello-barretoanum:


From: Bob Riffle <71270.3070 at compuserve.com> on 1998.06.15 at 03:02:29(2308)
Jared, cat's-claw vine (Macfadyena unguis-cati) is not a good
example to prove your point as its natural range is immense:
from the West Indies all the (far) way down into Argentina.
True, there are more plants indigenous to "deep, mesic tropics"
than are in Aregentina, but it can get pretty cool down in
Argentina in July. Philo mello-barretoanum is indigenous to a
relatively small area whose center is roughly the capitol city
of Brazilia in Brazil (Goias). P. selloum (bipinnatifidum), whose
natural range is much larger (from the Rio de region southwards
and westwards to Paraguay and southwards into northern Uruguay)
is probably hardier to cold because of its much more diverse
habitat--probably also more drought resistant.

I am NOT saying that P. mello-barretoanum is not as hardy to cold
as is P. bipinnatifidum (and I certainly hope you're right), but
it *probably* isn't, because of its smuch more restricted natural

From: Hermine <hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 1998.06.15 at 14:34:37(2312)
I have lusted after this Phildendron since early childhood. i would surely
like to grow some and it looks like i can. OK, as you were...


From: Todd Ruth <truth at weber.ucsd.edu> on 1998.07.17 at 17:44:04(2488)
As many of you know, last year I played middle man in a seed
order originated by Neil Crafter. He had found out about a
nursery in Brazil which sells Philodendron seeds in large
quantities (usually 1000, but they agreed to sell us 100 at
30% of the 1000 price) and collected names of interested
parties. He passed the info on to me and I handled the order
and distribution. Their catalog lists P. mello-baretoanum,
but we were unable to purchase any. I don't know if that
was due to temporary or permanent unavailability. There were
many "species" like that (barryi, crassihyrzum, evansii, eximium,
cymbispathum, hastatum, imbe, mello-barretoanum, myrmecophyllum,
ornatum, pittieri, pseudoradiatum, rubrinervum, sagittatum,
saxicolum, sellowianum, speciosum, subhastatum, undulatum).
They also carry Anthurium seeds, of which we bought none.
I'm not up for the middle-man challenge again anytime soon,
but if anyone else wants to put an order together, I'll dig
up the catalog and send you the info. (I'd certainly be
interested in participating. :) )

BTW, I never reported the feedback I got on germination rates.
I don't have any numbers, but it was very "hit or miss". A
couple of varieties had very high germination rates and the
rest were very low. I found that eventually I got at least
a couple germinations from most of the species ordered.

- Todd

From: Neil Crafter <golfstra at senet.com.au> on 1998.07.21 at 14:22:56(2499)
Dear fellow aroiders...Todd Ruth's recent posting reminded me of a few
items. Firstly, I had very limited success with my Philo seeds as I was
only able to get P.eichleri to germinate. By the way Dr.Mayo has reduced
this to synonomy under P.undulatum in his revision of the sub-genus
Meconostigma. I now have 4 nice little seedlings growing away happily. I
also checked the revision again and yes , Dr. Mayo also reduced
P.mello-barretoanum to synonomy under P.bipinnatifidum. While on the
subject I checked out the web site for B&T World Seeds that someone
kindly posted on the list, and they do have a considerable aroid
section...unfortunately the Philodendron section is a repeat of the
Alvim Seidel list from Brazil, so I guess they just act as an agent for
Anyway, these people are located in France(Viva la World Cup!) and their
web site is at http://b-and-t-world-seeds.com worth a look I think.

I also recently received some seeds of P.goeldii from Joep Moonen in
French Guiana and have had some success with three seedlings under
way...look forward to seeing these mature and develop their
characteristic palmatisect foliage shared by only one other species in
the genus, the smaller sized P.leal-costae.

Happy Philo growing to all the Philophiles out there!

kind regards Neil

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