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  ID Site Images
From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1998.06.12 at 02:57:59(2275)

I like your proposal for the two weeks period. We need to store the old
images, however, for future possible use on the regular IAS pages. Are
you archiving the old images? Or is someone at MoBot doing this?


From: Lester Kallus <lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1998.06.12 at 13:29:26(2278)
I have enough space on my HD here to archive the images. I just didn't
want to clog the website. Leaving that many files on the website also
slows down the upgrades since I'm using Front Page which has to relist the
files on the page each time it updates. I'm still having some problems
with the hit counter, but will have that straightened out soon enough.

I've now listed 6/26 as the date that currently identified images will be
removed. Nevertheless, I'll honor any request to leave specific images
there longer if anyone wants.

From: "Dr. Guanghua Zhu" <GZhu at lehmann.mobot.org> on 1998.06.12 at 21:08:09(2281)
Les and Don,

I don't think wew want to loos any of the images. Please somehow get the
IDed images to me. I either creat a new page for these images or attached
the genera page. Any other suggestions will be welcome.


From: Lester Kallus <lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1998.06.13 at 05:06:38(2285)
Maintaining them on an ID page for months after they've been ID'd would
seem silly. Probably the best solution is to put them on the genera page.
The images are easily downloaded. If you want, I can create a collection
of thumbnails plus IDs for those images. You (and others) could then
easily identify the plant and download the images.

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.