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  Philodendron seeds
From: golfstra at cyvox.net.au on 1997.01.22 at 04:05:55(206)
Dear aroiders
Back in 1991 I received a seed catalog from"Alvim Seidel", a nursery in
Santa Catarina, Brazil. Their list included a large number of
Philodendron species (around 35) and a few Anthuriums and Spathiphyllums.
Their minimum quantity was 1000 seeds, but they had agreed to sell me
smaller quantities (approx.100) for 30% of the 1000 seed price. This
ranged from $8 -$40 per 1000, so around $2.50 - $12 per 100 . No doubt
the 1997 prices will be higher.

I would like to know whether any other aroiders have any experience with
these people and I would like to hear from them if they have. Perhaps
Eduardo in Brazil knows of them. I am thinking about ordering some
Philodendron seed but 100 seeds per species is way more than I would need
or want. Is anyone interested in sharing some of this seed if I do order
some? I plan to fax them and ask them to fax me their latest catalog

From: BASSPROF at aol.com on 1997.01.22 at 14:26:03(207)

I placed an order for orchids with them about 6 years ago and was pleased
with what I received and with their handling of the business end. Because of
CITES, etc. there was a delay in shipping and they were quick to inform me of
the delay.

From: awootten at nrao.edu (Al Wootten) on 1997.01.22 at 14:47:25(210)
golfstra@cyvox.net.au writes:
> I would like to know whether any other aroiders have any experience with
> these people and I would like to hear from them if they have.
I have not ordered from them but they have regularly advertised in the
American Orchid Society journal for at least the twenty years for which I
have been a member.

Clear skies,

From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.01.22 at 18:50:33(212)
> Dear aroiders
> Back in 1991 I received a seed catalog from"Alvim Seidel", a nursery in
> Santa Catarina, Brazil. Their list included a large number of
> Philodendron species (around 35) and a few Anthuriums and Spathiphyllums.
> Their minimum quantity was 1000 seeds, but they had agreed to sell me
> smaller quantities (approx.100) for 30% of the 1000 seed price. This
> ranged from $8 -$40 per 1000, so around $2.50 - $12 per 100 . No doubt
> the 1997 prices will be higher.
> I would like to know whether any other aroiders have any experience with
> these people and I would like to hear from them if they have. Perhaps
> Eduardo in Brazil knows of them. I am thinking about ordering some
> Philodendron seed but 100 seeds per species is way more than I would need
> or want. Is anyone interested in sharing some of this seed if I do order
> some? I plan to fax them and ask them to fax me their latest catalog
> list.
From: Eduardo Gomes Goncalves <eggon at guarany.cpd.unb.br> on 1997.01.23 at 01:30:28(213)
Dear Neil,

Alvim Siedel is the man of the "Orquideario Catarinense" and has been in
the business for a long time (say 40 years or more!). I think he is
already gone, but his family still take care of business. As Al Wootten
said, he have regularly advertised in the American Orchid Society Journal
since the 70's and I think he was the only Brazilian who could export
native plants for profit! I have never ordered from them and I haven't
heard from them lately (for the last 4 years) but if he still is in the
business, he is the best aroud here. You better contact them an check it on!

About raising Philos from seeds, I can share my little experience. All
seeds I already tried was very easy to germinate. You just have to keep it
moist for less than a week and the radicule sprout. Meanwhile, the
difficulty is on seed storage and long term transport. They seem to
dehydrate quickly. It also seems that seeds from subgenus Meconostigma (P.
bipinnatifidum, P. undulatum,etc) are somewhat resistent but seeds from
subgenera Philodendron and Pteromyschum are too fragile. I think that the
best way to transport and storage them is just inside the berry but it
never resisted more than a month here in Brazil. I never tried to keep the
berry in the refrigerator but a friend of mine did it and told me that he
could germinate well more than a month under refrigeration.

Hope it helps

From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.01.23 at 17:02:13(222)
Eduardo: I have good luck sending aroid seeds in the mail. It is true
that most tropical aroids must be kept moist in transport. However, I
have found that sending them with the pericarp and especially the
mesocarp is hazardous since the this is where most of the sugar content
is and this creates the possibility of fungal attack. I have learned
that by washing off the mesocarp the seeds arrive better. However, when
you remove the coating you must prevent dehydration. I do this by a
proper balance of seed to dry newspaper. If for example you have 20
fresh seed of Anthurium you might want to use a square of newspaper 15
cm wide. Place the seeds in the middle, fold it up and then put the
packet into a small sealed plastic bag. Some effort needs to made to
prevent them from being crushed, such as by using bubble wrap. Seeds of
most species handled in this manner may survive a month or more.

Cleaning large seeds like Anthurium is best done in a seive. I
crush the covering off by macerating them lightly with my thumb after
placing them in the sieve. This can be done most easily while passing
water through the seive. Once macerated the mixture of seeds and seed
covering can poured into an open mouthed jar, topped with lid, then
shaked vigorously. This will cause the seeds and the various parts to
be further separated. The one can simply decant off the pericarps
because once separated from the seed these usually float to the surface.
Once you pour out most of the water most of the pericarp and other
residue will flow over the edge of the jar while the heavier seeds will
sink to the bottom. Seeds that actually float and which are unattached
to the pericarp may be inviable anyway. With a couple of shakings and
decantings one ca easily clean hundreds of seeds. Remember to keep the
resulting packets moist but not wet so the proper balance of water and
paper is important. This method I have used for 25 years with great
success. I often wonder if there isn't something in the ink from the
newsprint that keeps down the bacterial and fungal infections.

From: Hermine Stover <hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 1997.01.24 at 05:02:43(228)
At 07:30 PM 1/22/97 -0600, Eduardo Gomes Goncalves wrote:
>Dear Neil,
>Alvim Siedel is the man of the "Orquideario Catarinense" and has been in
>the business for a long time (say 40 years or more!). I think he is
>already gone, but his family still take care of business. As Al Wootten
>said, he have regularly advertised in the American Orchid Society Journal
>since the 70's and I think he was the only Brazilian who could export
>native plants for profit! I have never ordered from them and I haven't
>heard from them lately (for the last 4 years) but if he still is in the
>business, he is the best aroud here. You better contact them an check it on!
>About raising Philos from seeds, I can share my little experience. All
>seeds I already tried was very easy to germinate. You just have to keep it
>moist for less than a week and the radicule sprout. Meanwhile, the
>difficulty is on seed storage and long term transport. They seem to
>dehydrate quickly. It also seems that seeds from subgenus Meconostigma (P.
>bipinnatifidum, P. undulatum,etc) are somewhat resistent but seeds from
>subgenera Philodendron and Pteromyschum are too fragile. I think that the
>best way to transport and storage them is just inside the berry but it
>never resisted more than a month here in Brazil. I never tried to keep the
>berry in the refrigerator but a friend of mine did it and told me that he
>could germinate well more than a month under refrigeration.
>Hope it helps
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