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  A. titanum up-date
From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1998.06.24 at 12:37:59(2361)
Just got off the phone with Craig Allen at 7:40 A.M......

It is starting to open! The spathe has released about 8 10 inches from the
top and the opening where the spathe meets is starting to open... At 7
A.M. he had to stick his nose in pretty close to get a fragarance but at
7:30 A.M..... ANYWHERE in the Conservatory was a place to get the
fragarance... So, Today, June 24, 1998 is the DAY!

>From all reports... It should stay open about 3 days....

From: Wilbert Hetterscheid <hetter at vkc.nl> on 1998.06.24 at 23:00:14(2362)

Do NOT necessarily count on three days! Our Big One a few years ago was
open only 18 hours and only 5 hours of that was maximum expansion!


From: Al Wootten <awootten at NRAO.EDU> on 1998.06.25 at 19:30:57(2367)
Wilbert Hetterscheid writes:
> Guys,
> Do NOT necessarily count on three days! Our Big One a few years ago was
> open only 18 hours and only 5 hours of that was maximum expansion!
NBC featured the opening on the 8am News on the Today Show. There were
some very good angles on the inflorescence, ending with a small child
holding his nose. Katy Couric expressed a desire to smell it herself.

Wish I could be there!

Clear skies,

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