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  Titanum in Atlanta
From: Dana <dana at homecom.com> on 1998.06.30 at 17:19:54(2385)
Someone mentioned earlier this week about the pollen from the Titanum
being shipped up to Atlanta where another Titanum might be blooming
soon.. Well, here's an update.. I happened to run across this morning's
paper whilst microwaving my breakfast, and lo and behold, I run across
an article about said Titanum in the AJC! Apparently they're guessing
it'll be in bloom by this weekend, and there's a photo included along
with the article. Guess what I'll be up to this weekend! hehe..

From: Lester Kallus <lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1998.06.30 at 22:04:59(2387)
With this increasing frequency in blooms, I expect to be able to purchase a
bouquet of titanums within a few months. Furthermore, I expect to find
hybridized versions including doubles & peonie forms.

Seriously, what's the natural history of the titanum tuber? I've read here
that the leaf cycle is irregular, presumably because these equatorial
plants aren't used to seasons. Once the leaf on the FTG tuber runs it's
cycle and the tuber is allowed to lay dormant, will the tuber flower again?

From: Plantbob at aol.com on 1998.06.30 at 22:12:21(2388)
Hey Dana,

Where in Atlanta will the smell be coming from. Please let us know the
of the latest flowering A. titanum.

Bob Kleiser

From: Daryl Pulis <pulis at mindspring.com> on 1998.07.01 at 02:08:40(2391)
Bob, The Plant has been moved to the lobby of the Conservatory at the
Atlanta Botanical Garden, Piedmont at the Prado. It's 5' tall today
according to the tape recording this morning. I'll be visiting it tomorrow
to photograph it, though they don't expect full bloom on July 8th.


From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1998.07.01 at 13:04:54(2395)
I just hope that you folk in and near Atlanta have as much fun with this as
we in South Florida had with ours. Really a fun thing and a marvel to
see.... If you are any where near, it is worth the trip!

From: Dana <dana at homecom.com> on 1998.07.01 at 13:37:14(2400)
It's at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. Anyone else on this list near

Plantbob@aol.com wrote:

From: Daryl Pulis <pulis at mindspring.com> on 1998.07.02 at 13:34:22(2406)

I'm here. Saw it yesterday. I'm in awe! It's a tad over 5' from the top of
the pot to the tip, and the pot is maybe waist high, so it really towers
over you.


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