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  Amorphophallus konjac in the heat
From: markdim at azstarnet.com (Mark A. Dimmitt) on 1998.07.01 at 13:14:15(2397)
I've grown A. konjac in Tucson for almost 20 years. There have been times
when I lost most of the corms over the winter and occasionally during
summer. But in recent years my largest one has flowered three years in a
row in a 15-gallon pot. This spring I potted it into a 24" tub and put it
into an uncooled greenhouse with two open sides. The temperature inside has
been hitting 110 every day for a couple of weeks now. The house is wet down
by overhead sprinklers 8 times a day. The leaf is over 6 feet across and is
verdant green so far. So don't give up on it in the South?

On the other hand, the A. paeoniifolius next to it is declining. I've found
it to be more heat sensitive and can't keep it healthy outside the
climate-controlled greenhouse.


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