Dear Don,
I believe that this plant was originally collected in Panama, but can not
at the moment remember it`s collectors name. The species ranges from Chaipas
in Mexico To Central America. D. dressleri Croat (from Panama) is a
synonyn. There is a similar species found in Venezuela which used to be
called D. changuango; it has a spathe with a matt or chaffy interior. It
has just been synonomysed with D. dubium, an old name, and the second
species of Dracontium discribed, which has a spathe with a shiny or smooth
interior (See Novon, Vol. 8, Number 1, 1998, 101-103. "Identity and
Typification of Dracontium dubium Kunth (Araceae)" by Dr. Guanghua Zhu,
Julius Boos and Dr. Thomas Croat. ) Your plant used to be grown on the lawn
in front of Jerry Horn`s home in Miami for several years, and in full sun
the plant, especially it`s petioles, were a brick-red color! It will grow
to about 4 feet, and the infloresence is small (3"?), just above
ground-level with no visible peduncle, and widely hooded in shape. It
sometimes has one or more sterile projections on the top of the spadix. It
should have a straight, upright petiole when grown in enough light.
Good growing, and I hope that this helps.
>>Don Burns Plantation, FL USA Zone 10b<<