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  The Origin of Alocasia 'Black Velvet'
From: Scott Hyndman <scothynd at magicnet.net> on 1998.07.06 at 13:04:10(2428)
Geoffrey and All,

Alocasia 'Black Velvet' is a cultivar I named circa six years ago. I
got it from the Lyon Arboretum, Hawaii. I don't recall what they called
it, and I gave it what I thought to be a catchy commercial moniker. The
Lyon purportedly received it from a collector in
Japan. From there the origin becomes murky. The legend I pass on is
that a Japanese orchidologist discovered the species while botanising
for orchids in Borneo. The orchidologist either collected a single
individual or only succeeded with cultivating one individual as I have
only seen the clone A. 'Black Velvet' in collections and in tissue
culture production (http://www.agristarts.com). The orchidologist kept
the attractive plant's origin a secret for fear of over collection, wild
population descimation, habitat destruction, etc. There is an image of
a tetraploid clone of A. 'Black Velvet' that I selected from a tissue
culture population some years ago at
http://www.mobot.org/IAS/Hort/Tculture/abkvvt.html . You can probably
find another yourself as the tissue culturing seems to produce many of

Maybe Dr. Hay can give us a species name for this stunning Alocasia. By
the way, it is one of many stunning Alocasia species that are described
very nicely in David Burnett's Aroideana edition Vol. 7, 3-4 "Cultivated
Alocasia", http://www.mobot.org/IAS/bk-issue.html .

Best Regards, Scott

Scott Hyndman

From: alistair_hay_at_po-sydney at rbgsyd.gov.au on 1998.07.07 at 01:29:10(2432)
I have been curious about Alocasia `Black Velvet' for some time: in
fact it is one of the things I was hoping someone might be able to
send me a preserved specimen (even a leaf) of, so that I could put a
species name to it.

The name does not appear in the index of Burnett's account: have I
missed something?

Alistair Hay

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1998.07.08 at 13:53:56(2437)
-----Original Message-----

To: ju-bo@msn.com
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