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  Lesser amorphophalli, arisaema triphyllum
From: Tony Avent <tony at plantdel.com> on 1998.07.08 at 21:30:22(2442)

Regarding the amorphophallus konjac you mentioned. I talked with Fanny
several years ago, when we had the same unusual seedlings from A. konjac
(one clone). We now have 6 year old seedlings from this plant that seeded
in our garden. Some of the seedlings are now 4' tall, while others are
genetic dwarfs at 4" in height with the same diameter stem. We have
selected 3-4 dwarfs from the seedlings for clonal propagation, and one of
the large plants with stunning pink stems with just a small bit of tiny
charcoal flecking.

We have 6 A. konjac seed heads this year, two from our black stem form and
4 from other A. konjacs. We have two year old seedlings from our black
stem konjac when it last flowered. A large proportion seem to be quite
black like the parent, with only a few resembling regular A. konjac. It is
too early to determine if any of these will be dwarf, but it doesn't appear

We just picked up a A. konjac Leo Song #2, which is basically a white stem
version with the same charcoal speckling...quite distinctive.

As for Arisaema triphyllum, I saw a plant at George Schmid's (aka: The
Genus Hosta book) garden in Atlanta that was a 5-6' tall giant. I saw
pictures in full leaf that were mind boggling. When I was there, it was
emerging from the ground and I swore it was a giant amorphophallus. George
found this plant near his home before development encroached. To make this
even stranger, he is growing this in dry unammended Georgia clay.

Tony Avent

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