IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Amorph. konjac
From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1998.07.09 at 03:11:29(2443)
I wonder if it is coincidence..... but in todays mail... I received a
rather large box of Amorphophallus konjac tubers from Fannie Phillips.
There has been a bit of discussion on A. konjac and Fannie on this list in
the past few days. I guess her ears just might have been burning... They
are a donation to the International Aroid Society..

There are two clones of A. konjac.....

Clone one are seedlings of, what she calls, the John Riordan clone. J.
Riordan was an Importer with the International Bulb Exchange many years
ago.. This is a rather large clone and has an extreemly variable
petiole... Fannie says "The tubers range from small to just a little
larger and they show a certain amount of variation of leaf form and size,
petiole color and patern., Some are distinctly blond." There are about
100 of these tubers and they range in size from something equalling the
eraser on the end of a pencil to about golf ball size or a little larger...
over half of them are just about golf ball size.

The second clone is one that was sent to the US from Japan a few years ago
and is supposed to be a little darker than many other clones of A.
konjac.... There about 10 of these that are large marble size ranging up
to golf ball size...

All of the tubers, clone one and two, have sprouted and some have growth up
to about three inches. They really need to be potted and have a home....

Got your interest?

Here is the deal...... For a donation to the IAS of $25.00 I will send you
three tubers. Please add $3.00 for Priority Mail... Total.... $28. I
will send one of Clone two and two of Clone one for as long as they last..
Then I will send the larger ones of clone one for as long as they last.

Please make your check payable to the IAS for $28.00 (if you want to spell
it out.. International Aroid Society)....

Send the check..... with your name and mailing address.... to me.... I
will send you the tubers and the check to IAS... Please mark your check


When I run out of tubers... and still receive checks.. I will return your

My address is:

Dewey Fisk

From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1998.07.14 at 21:35:14(2469)
As of yesterdays mail.. All of the Japanese clones are gone.

Many of the 'Clone 1' large ones are gone also.

As of todays mail... I will be sending only 'Clone 1'.

Now, as the tubers get smaller and smaller... I will try to make up for
size by sending more than the three originally stated... Hope this is

I talked with Fanny last night and she was extreemly pleased with the
response. The IAS also thanks you

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