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  titanum pollen
From: "Don Bittel" <dbittel at treco.net> on 1998.07.16 at 12:06:20(2475)
Hi all,
Does anyone know if the ABG titanum was pollinated with the pollen from the
FTG titanum flower? I know that pollen was collected from the ABG flower
for a possible third flower. It also seemed like the ABG flower lasted much
longer than the FTG flower. Was it in a cooler area?

Don Bittel

From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1998.07.16 at 12:21:19(2477)

Don't know about the pollen situation. The lobby of the ABG conservatory
was air conditioned the last time I was there. If this is still the case
then the ABG plant was 15degF cooler than the FTG plant.


From: Daryl Pulis <pulis at mindspring.com> on 1998.07.16 at 16:10:47(2480)

I heard second hand that the pollen from FTG never arrived in Atlanta. And
yes, the Atlanta A. titanum was in the very cool lobby of the Conservatory,
with a lightweight shade shielding it from the hot sun.


From: Lester Kallus <lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1998.07.16 at 18:25:55(2481)
OK, I'll take the risk of getting busted and going to jail when the NY
Times claims copyrite infringement. They never have responded to give me
permission to print their article. Nevertheless, I'll quote one paragraph
which will answer the pollen question:

"While pleased with Monday's show, officials at the botanical garden were
disappointed that they were not able to artificially pollinate the plant,
an unprecedented feat. Officials at the Fairchild garden in Miami collected
pollen from their plant last month and supposedly sent it to Atlanta, but
it never arrived. 'The pollen,' Gagliardo said dejectedly, 'seems to be
lost in the mail.'"

Now if I do end up in jail, will someone bring cookies?

From: "Sean O'Hara" <SAOUC at UCCMVSA.UCOP.EDU> on 1998.07.16 at 21:40:13(2482)
>Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 07:09:47 -0500
>Sender: aroid-l@mobot.org
>From: "Don Bittel"
>To: saouc@uccmvsa.ucop.edu
>Subject: titanum pollen
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know if the ABG titanum was pollinated with the pollen from the
> FTG titanum flower? I know that pollen was collected from the ABG flower
> for a possible third flower. It also seemed like the ABG flower lasted much
> longer than the FTG flower. Was it in a cooler area?

I have an article from that was given to me by a friend, entitled
Atlanta Journal; Its Bloom Is the World's Largest, but Its Smell is
an Eye-Opener, which report about the flowering of the A. titanum at
the Atlanta Botnical Garden (I don't know for sure what newspaper it
is from, or date. I suspect it is a local publication). In this
article, Ron Gagliardo states that the pollen sent from Fairchild
apparently never arrived, so pollination was not possible. It seems
Ron was in Denver visiting friends when this A. titanum started
opening several days earlier than expected. He was seen in the
Denver airport pleading for any space on a plane home, showing
pictures of a picture of a flowering plant to convince them he was
telling the truth. Needless to say they thought he was pretty weird
and likely let him on the plane to get him out of the state

As reported during the Kew flowering, visitors were slightly
dissappointed that the flower DID NOT SMELL WORSE after the big
buildup about its stench!

Sean O.

From: Don Martinson <dmartin at post.its.mcw.edu> on 1998.07.17 at 02:48:43(2485)
>'The pollen,' Gagliardo said dejectedly, 'seems to be
>lost in the mail.'"

The mail? The U.S. Mail?????

While I generally respect and appreciate the USPS, I can't believe that the
success of this unique opportunity was intrusted to the US Mail. Was there
no kind soul who would have volunteered to deliver this personally? I
realize that Miami and Atlanta are some 650+ miles apart, but...

Who of us hasn't driven 100's of miles out of our way to visit that
"special" nursery or botanical garden?

Oh well, "Sic transit Gloria Titani".

Don Martinson

From: Wilbert Hetterscheid <hetter at vkc.nl> on 1998.07.17 at 12:36:53(2486)

Now that this pollen transfer seems to have failed, I will send titanum
pollen from Holland to Ron. We had a flowering specimen here about 1.5
week ago. I guess the pollen should still be o.k. I am going to be away
from my email as of today, so I cannot answer any follow-up questions on

Ron, can you FAX your snail mail address asap to: (31)715275181, attnd.
mr Art Vogel. He'll send the pollen. Good luck!


From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1998.07.20 at 20:23:54(2497)
>'The pollen,' Gagliardo said dejectedly, 'seems to be
>lost in the mail.'"

>>The mail? The U.S. Mail?????

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