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  Zamioculcas in bloom
From: anggrek at juno.com (Tsuh Yang Chen) on 1998.07.20 at 19:46:40(2494)
ok, it isn't titanum but today while watering my Z. zamiifolia i realized
it had bloomed! the spadix is quite thick and the spathe barely covers
it. it was very surprising since it's not a big plant, it's in a 4" pot
and about 8" tall.

tsuh yang chen, new york city

From: anggrek at juno.com (Tsuh Yang Chen) on 1998.07.22 at 04:54:56(2500)
oops, i meant that the spathe is tightly covering the spadix, not that it
barely covers it as in too small and that the spadix is totally naked (as
in some cryptocorynes). the amazing thing (to me at least) is that this
plant is in a north window and gets no direct sunlight. i wonder if the
fact that i just repotted it made it bloom?

tsuh yang chen, new york city

On Mon, 20 Jul 1998 14:46:52 -0500 anggrek@juno.com (Tsuh Yang Chen)

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