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  Pinellia cordata "tuberlets"
From: grsjr at juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1998.07.23 at 13:49:47(2504)

One of the things that distinguishes Pinellia from other aroids like
Arisaema is the production of viable tuberlets in the leaf petioles. It
is one of the things that makes them aggressive plants.

>Will they do this in succeeding years as the leaves increase in size and

From: Roy Herold <rrh at genesis.nred.ma.us> on 1998.07.24 at 02:56:03(2505)
At 9:50 AM -0400 7/23/98, George R Stilwell, Jr. is rumored to have typed:

> Don,
> One of the things that distinguishes Pinellia from other aroids like
> Arisaema is the production of viable tuberlets in the leaf petioles. It
> is one of the things that makes them aggressive plants.
Yes and no. Pinellia ternata has tuberbulblets, and is very aggressive,
but not solely for this reason. The underground tuber divides prodigiously,
and appears to be somewhat stoloniferous. I've had a single tuber produce
twenty seven sime-sized tubers in one season in a small four inch pot.
Plus, it seeds around.

Conversely, Pinellia tripartita and Pinellia pedatisecta have no such
tuberbulblets, yet spread rapidly by way of seeds. The presence of
tuberbulblets is not a distinguishing feature for pinellias.

Pinellia cordata produces tuberbulblets both at both the base of the leaf
blade and at the base of the leaf petiole (ternata may do the same, but
I've never checked). In temperate climates it is definitely nonagressive,
and should be considered a welcome addition to the garden. I think it is
best enjoyed in pots, however-- grown this way, it is a very popular plant
in Japan. It is definitely the choicest pinellia that I've come across.

As for behavior in more tropical climes, I will defer to others.....

--Roy Herold

From: "James W. Waddick" <jim-jim at swbell.net> on 1998.07.24 at 18:22:21(2510)
>--Roy Herold
>N. Reading, MA
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