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  FC Distribution 1998 - Seeds & Bulbs for friends
From: Fausto Ceni <cenfaust at tin.it> on 1998.08.04 at 03:49:05(2518)
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Dear friends,
in the year 1997 my second distribution of seeds and bulbs had success:
I have sent to 40 friends. It was time consuming and not easy.
Also this year I have seeds/bulbs to distribute.
Most items are in little quantity and it is possible that I can't
satisfy all, but some are many (e.g. bulbs of Leucojum autumnale and pulchellum
seeds of Fritillaria atlantica).
Althought offer in exchange is very, very appreciated, it is not
necessary (I know what is to have nothing to give in exchange!!).
Please, don't hurt if I don't accept the plants you offer: may be I have or
don't love them,
but your offer is appreciated in the same way both if I accept or not.
You should only understand that the people that gave me plants, literature
or support in the past, will have the priority in the choice.
I am particulary searching (but be not frightened and don't laugh):

Bulblets of Cardiocrinums
Veltheimia capensis
Disa (wild)

Most of the seeds are from plants of wild documented origin, free
pollination but very low possibility of hybridation.
In the 4th column of the list S means avaiability of seeds and B
of "bulbs" (corms, tubers etc.).
Rules to apply:
- I cannot give any kind of certificates for the bulbs; specially the
Australian and NZ people should be aware of it: better seeds.
- Money is not requested.
- Remember for future reference the FC### and give it to anyone you give
plants that are grown from my seeds.
- The requests should come to me before 12th August. and be sent to my
E-mail address; don't use the Re function of your software!!!!!
- Please, to help me you should:
type In the subject row : FC distribution 98
in the message first give your name and post address
give genus, species, S or B and FC###; best when you use the copy/paste
function from the text of my list
at the end eventually your comunications
- Remember to give your Post address!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I will send confirmations and items in September: please be patient.
The worst thing is to find the boxes and prepare them for the delivery !

If the list is bad formatted on your screen, try to set "fixed with" if avaiable

This is the list :

Albuca altissima xxx B & S
Allium triquetrum 546 B
Amaryllis belladonna 491 B
Arum purpureospathum 839 S
Asphodelus acaulis 300 Roots
Babiana blue star xxx B
Babiana nana 635 B
Brodiaea californica xxx B
Camassia leichtlinii xxx B
Camassia quamash xxx B
Chasmanthe aetiopica 493 B
Chasmanthe bicolor xxx B
Colchicum cupanii 730 B
Colchicum lusitanum 601 B
Colchicum sp 522 B
Corydalis glaucescens 418 B
Corydalis popovi 423 B
Cyclamen cooum xxx S
Cyclamen creticum 819 B
Cyclamen graecum xxx B & S
Cyclamen haederifolium 210 S & seedlings
Cyclamen hederif. album 426 B
Cyclamen repandum 411 B
Ferraria crispa crispa 536 B
Freesia alba xxx B
Freesia westland xxx B
Fritillaria bucharica 424 B
Fritillaria messanensis 207 S
Fritillaria mess. atlantica 302 S Morocco
Gladiolus byzantinus 414 B
Gladiolus illyricus 709 B
Gladiolus tristis xxx B
Gymnospermium alberti 422 B
Gynandriris sisyrinchium 415 S
Habranthus andersonii 439 B & S
Helleborus bocconei bocconei 612 S (not geophyte!!!)
Homeria ochroleuca xxx B
Hyacinthoides hisp. alger. 316 S Morocco
Hyacinthoides italica 563 B
Lachenalia aloides aloides 606 B
Lachenalia bulbifera 615 B
Lachenalia capensis 972 B
Lachenalia contaminata 616 B
Lachenalia fistulosa 605 B
Lachenalia mediana xxx B
Lachenalia mathewsi xxx B
Lachenalia sp 4 xxx B
Lachenalia sp 5 xxx B
Lachenalia viridiflora xxx B
Lachenalia violacea xxx B
Lachenalia reflexa 604 B & S
Lachenalia unifolia 618 B
Lachenalia unifolia wrightii 971 S
Lachenalia zeyheri 974 B
Leucojum autumnale 311 B
Leucojum pulchellum 724 B
Muscari spritzendorfleri 854 S Crete
Narcissus poeticus 899 S
Nothoscordum inodorum 666 B
Ornithogalum sp xxx B Sicily
Pushkinia scilloides 560 B
Romulea requienii 322 B
Scilla autumnalis 720 B
Scilla autumnalis 863 B Crete
Scilla japonica 556 B
Scilla monophylla 561 B
Scilla monophylla 1058 B
Scilla hughii 410 S
Scilla peruviana 494 S
Scilla peruviana alba 1037 B
Sparaxis bulbifera 538 B
Sparaxis elegans 1185 B
Sparaxis hyb. xxx B
Sprekelia formosissima 219 S
Synnotia parviflora xxx B
Synnotia villosa xxx B
Tritonia sp. 625 S
Tritonia sp. white 626 B
Watsonia angusta 1053 B
Watsonia borbonica 539 B
Watsonia borb. ardenei 540 B
Watsonia forcadei 541 B
Watsonia hybr. 544 B
Watsonia marginata 542 B
Watsonia meriana 543 B


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