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  Pinellia tridentata?
From: Don Martinson <dmartin at post.its.mcw.edu> on 1998.08.07 at 18:42:07(2521)
Pinellia tridentata

Is anyone familiar with this species? It is supposedly a Chinese species
and not well known.


Don Martinson

From: "Alan Galloway" <alan at unity.ncsu.edu> on 1998.08.07 at 21:06:18(2523)
On Aug 7, 1:44pm, Don Martinson wrote:
> Subject: Pinellia tridentata?
> Pinellia tridentata
> Is anyone familiar with this species? It is supposedly a Chinese species
> and not well known.


Could this be a misspelling of P. ternata or P. tripartita, which are
valid species as far as I know.


From: Don Martinson <dmartin at post.its.mcw.edu> on 1998.08.07 at 23:59:18(2524)
>On Aug 7, 1:44pm, Don Martinson wrote:
>> Subject: Pinellia tridentata?
>> Pinellia tridentata
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