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  Alocasia macrorrhiza berry color
From: "Scott Lucas" <htbg at ilhawaii.net> on 1998.10.09 at 20:30:03(2678)
Dear Tom:

Berries of Alocasia macrorrhiza are red; although thE MANUAL OF THE
FLOWERING PLANTS OF HAWAII, in which the Araceae contribution was done by
yourself, describes them as "scarlet, 8-10 mm long, 5-8 mm in diameter."

Scott Lucas

From: Clarence Hester <hesterc at leguin.acpub.duke.edu> on 1998.10.12 at 02:36:41(2685)
Having just experienced fruiting for the first time this year,
I can tell you they are red. They are not "scarlet", but more
orange red, like a ripe tomato.

Interestingly, when I opened the fruits to remove the seeds,
the pulp itself was very red and had a a waxy substance.
It also smelled very appetizing, believe it or not, somewhere
between a ripe tomato and a ripe passion fruit.

Each fruit had one seed, although one contained two. The seeds
look exactly like okra seeds.

Clarence Hester

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