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Re: Alocasia macrorrhiza berry color
From: "Scott Lucas" <htbg at ilhawaii.net> on 1998.10.09 at 20:30:03(2678)
Dear Tom:
Berries of Alocasia macrorrhiza are red; although thE MANUAL OF THE
FLOWERING PLANTS OF HAWAII, in which the Araceae contribution was done by
yourself, describes them as "scarlet, 8-10 mm long, 5-8 mm in diameter."
Scott Lucas
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-----Original Message-----
To: htbg@ilhawaii.net
Date: Thursday, October 08, 1998 5:29 PM
Subject: Alocasia macrorrhiza berrry color
> Has anyone seen mature fruit on Alocasia macrorrhiza and if so
>what color are the berries. I have them reported as whitish though I
>honestly don't know where I came up with this and a reviewer of my
>description says he thinks they may be orange. I would really
>appreciate a reply from anyone who has more intimate knowledge of this
> Tom
>Thomas B. Croat, Ph.D.
>P.A. Schulz Curator of Botany
>Missouri Botanical Garden
>P.O. Box 299
>St. Louis, MO 63166-0299
>phone: 314-577-5163; fax 314-577-9596; email croat@mobot.org
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