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  edible aroids
From: tychen at ippfwhr.org on 1997.04.15 at 18:39:37(621)
regarding this recent trend on edible aroids, i would like to offer
the following observations.

1) regarding bac ha, neil wrote:

From: shlam at eee.hku.hk (LAM Shing) on 1997.04.16 at 03:01:17(624)
> i doubt that is accurate. i don't speak vietnamese (bac ha) nor
> cantonese (bok choy) but in taiwanese, peh-tsai ("white vegetable")
> denotes nappa cabbage and is a widespread term that in other chinese
> dialects is applied to other leafy vegetables, including the one that
> we call bok choy, (i suspect "bok" is cantonese for white).
> incidentally, "tsai" (taiw.) or "choy" (cant.) not only designates
> leafy vegetables but also is used to mean "dish", as in, "we should
> order two dishes for dinner tonight."

Right. FYI, under the pinyin system, the same vegetable is written
as "bai4 cai4" (the numerals denote the tone).

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 1997.04.21 at 03:27:42(652)
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 1997 2:39 PM
To: Julius Boos
From: eduardo gomes goncalves <eggon at guarany.cpd.unb.br> on 1997.04.23 at 02:32:43(666)
On Sun, 20 Apr 1997, Julius Boos wrote:

> ----------
> From: aroid-l@mobot.org on behalf of tychen@ippfwhr.org
> Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 1997 2:39 PM
> To: Julius Boos
> Subject: edible aroids
> > 5) eduardo, i never heard of tapioba (xanthosoma) while in growing up
> >in brazil. maybe one day, you can send us some? :-)
> Dear Tsuh Yang-- Ask in any Jamaican or Trinidadian or W.Indian grocery
> for"dasheen bush to make Calaloo"[Jamacians will try to sell you a can labled
> as "calaloo", but these are spinach leaves, and have a different flavor.]The
> dasheen [taro] leaves are tied together, and sold freshly harvested!
> Yesterday I bought some locally here in West Palm Beach, Florida. To my
> delight there were also land crabs for sale , their leg`s tied with vines as
> you`d see them in Trinidad! You can use American "blue" crabs in their place,
> but clean all crabs first by removing their backs, aprons, gills, etc., and
> scrub with a brush [no soap!]! The following recipe can be prepared with
> fresh or canned spinach, but the subtle flavor of the dasheen [taro] leaves
> will be missing. I`m sure that the Xanthosoma [tapioba] leaves mentioned by
> Eduardo would be simular. ENJOY!

Julius and Tsuh,

Ok, let's continue our gastronomical trends in aroids. The vernacular
name for Xanthosoma sagittifolium here is TAIOBA (not tapioba). It is a
very common dish here in Central Brazil (Goias, Minas Gerais, etc) and I
ate it last week. It is somewhat similar to spinach, but much more tasty.
People also use to cook the leaves with some kind of meat. Next week I'll
try to cook the leaves of Taro (Colocasia) in the same way. If I survive,
then you'll have a new message from me soon... (just kidding!).

Best wishes,


From: papillote at tod.dm on 1997.04.23 at 15:07:21(667)
Dear Eduardo
In Dominica we make calaloo with the young furled leaves of Colocasia esculenta.
The skin from the rib of the leaf is removed with a knife before cooking.
Sometimes we add the milk from the coconut to make it richer.
We peel and parboil the corm, crush it and mix it with chopped onion, celery,
spices and a little butter,roll it into fingers and fry it golden.
Anne G. J. Baptiste
Papillote Wilderness Retreat

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 1997.04.24 at 02:58:04(668)
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 1997 11:07 AM
To: Julius Boos
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