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From: eduardo gomes goncalves <eggon at guarany.cpd.unb.br> on 1997.06.11 at 13:58:42(818)
Dear Aroidelers,

I need some militar help: Is there any kind of efficient weapon
against snails? There is a gang of these disgusting molluscs trying to
destroy my living collection! In the begining, they only attacked some
young leaves of Anthurium, and I could easily control them. Now, they are
also chewing the base of the petiole of some tuberous aroid, and the war
was finally declared when they knocked down my only Gorgonidium plant (it
was just a baby!). Too bad...
I'm living in a tropical country and our winter isn't enough to stop
their destructive activity. I'd like to hear from some of you, before to
try a H-bomb!!!

From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.06.11 at 15:06:55(821)
I am sure that you know about the beer method in a shallow saucer... They
crawl in and die.. But, there is another method that people here in South
Fl have found very effective. That is spreading Diotomaceous Earth all
around... This, I am told, will grind up their feet and intestines and
they die. Fairchild Tropica Gdn. had a very bad problem and controled it
this way. The only bad part is that if it rains, or you water, you have to
spread it again. It is cheap and can be obtained in a store that caters to
swimming pool owners. Now, I have heard that the swimming pool kind is not
as good as another type that is available in some Horticultural Supply
Houses... But, I have never seen any problems using it... Don't breath it
while spreading and you should be ok .

Then there is the old stand-by... any bait with Methaldahyde (spelling?)
as the active ingredient. This can be in liquid or in pellets... Snails
and slugs love it... eat it and die.

From: SNALICE at aol.com on 1997.06.12 at 02:12:26(823)
Hello Edwardo,

An H-bomb would work. It would probably take care of my snails at the
same time.

From: Fausto Ceni <cendot at spidernet.it> on 1997.06.12 at 02:16:59(824)
eduardo gomes goncalves wrote:
> Dear Aroidelers,
> I need some militar help: Is there any kind of efficient weapon
> against snails? ....... omissis......

Dear Eduardo,
I have destroyed snail and slugs in my garden with Metaldehyde baits in
The product is in grain that you should spread on the ground. It is a
very common product, avaiable in garden centers or agricultural
supplier, and it is cheap and not dangerous fot other animals.
Other tricks are not effective.

From: Greg Ruckert <greg at ezi-learn.com.au> on 1997.06.12 at 02:20:29(825)

There has been a massive amount of discussion on Dahlia-Net recently as the
Americans plants push through.
While some correspondents favour sprinkling a layer of oatbran around the
plants (I worry about it going mouldy) consenus is that copper strips make a
very effective barrier. The little varmits are shocked away from your babies.

As we are moving into winter all my Arisaema seedlings (mostly 2 months old)
are inside. I found a slug on one of my name tags, no idea where it came
from, but took great delight despatching it to the coals in our fire.

Greg Ruckert,

South Australia
Greg Ruckert

From: karenp at sybase.com (Karen Paulsell) on 1997.06.12 at 16:04:32(827)
> > I'm living in a tropical country and our winter isn't enough to stop
> >their destructive activity.
> >
From: Paul Christian <paul at rareplants.co.uk> on 1997.06.12 at 16:34:26(829)
At 21:11 11/06/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Another method, is to slice tomatoes in a dish, put these around the yard.
They will
>be attracted to the tomatoes before they find your special plants.

Just a thought, but if you put some garlic and parsley with the tomatoes,
you could eat them afterwards ;-)

Sorry couldn't resist.

Paul :-))

From: BASSPROF at aol.com on 1997.06.13 at 19:23:55(838)
I bait my pots with bits of fresh lettuce, in late afternoon, then put on a
headlamp at 10pm and 'harvest' the snails and slugs. They much prefer the
lettuce to the new growth on Anthuriums.

Good luck,

From: SNALICE at aol.com on 1997.06.13 at 20:10:36(840)
In a message dated 97-06-13 12:27:21 EDT, you write:

At 21:11 11/06/97 -0500, you wrote:

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.