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  Re: Snails
From: Greg Ruckert <greg at ezi-learn.com.au> on 1997.06.12 at 02:20:29(825)

There has been a massive amount of discussion on Dahlia-Net recently as the
Americans plants push through.
While some correspondents favour sprinkling a layer of oatbran around the
plants (I worry about it going mouldy) consenus is that copper strips make a
very effective barrier. The little varmits are shocked away from your babies.

As we are moving into winter all my Arisaema seedlings (mostly 2 months old)
are inside. I found a slug on one of my name tags, no idea where it came
from, but took great delight despatching it to the coals in our fire.

Greg Ruckert,

South Australia
Greg Ruckert

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