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  digital plant images
From: Roy Herold <rrh at genesis.nred.ma.us> on 1997.06.17 at 03:14:26(862)
>On to my second topic, digital plant pictures, which Roy Herold's note
>brought to mind. Is anyone else using a digital camera for these, and if
>so would you care to compare notes? Cathy and I are putting together the
>web page for the Arkansas Native Plant Society, and it occurred to me that
>we could cost-justify the camera on film savings alone. So far it is
>wonderful - I have become a True Believer.
>-- Steve Marak

I haven't used one myself, but a friend of mine uses one and loves it. Take
a look at her web page at .
Yes, the rhododendron theme is a bit off topic, but if you look at the
pictures from our local rock garden society plant show there's a nice shot
of Arisaema kiusianum, and if you look at the near end of the table there
is an Arisaema lobatum.

Yes digital cameras are great for work near home where you can dump them
into your computer, but if you're in the field for weeks at a time, it's
hard to beat old fashioned film.

--Roy Herold

From: Krzysztof Kozminski <kk at netgate.net> on 1997.06.17 at 15:22:56(864)
This is a re-post, because mobot did not like my return address at first,
complaining that kk@ng.netgate.net is not a subscriber (but that
From: Pidho at aol.com on 1997.06.18 at 22:34:35(869)
Hi Roy.
I am using Epson digital camera ( $ 380.00) and with extra memory module I
can take and store 160 pictures in the field. It sure beats the price of the
conventional film and processing cost and time.

Sincerely Yours George

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.