On Mon, 16 Jun 1997, Steve Marak wrote:
> Is anyone else using a digital camera for these, and if
> so would you care to compare notes?
Yup. I started a few years ago with Apple QuickTake (the very first
model) and was not too impressed. Most of the subsequent photos on my
pages are done the old-fashioned way - 35mm -> print -> scan. Recently, I
am playing with Kodak DC120 - and think I'll stay with it for good. The
images still need to be adjusted for color balance if they were taken
under bad lighting conditions, but generally come out very good. The
examples of recent digital photos on my pages are:
The first of these has been taken in very bad lighting and cleaned up
One neat thing with the digital camera is that when taking closeups in a
macro mode, I can just take 10 pictures at slightly varying distances, and
one of them is guaranteed to be in focus !-) Same thing with bracketing
for exposure; and it costs nothing at all.
On a somewhat unrelated subject:
My pages at http://ng.netgate.net/~kk/Araceae/index.html have been heavily
updated over the weekend. I finally comepletd a dirty hack to maintain
all the cross-linking automatically - all pages except for the main index
are software-generated (with minor manual interaction to describe photo
contents). Thus, I was able to finish moving all of my scans into HTML.
Anyone interested in exchanging ideas, feel free to drop me e-mail.
BTW, all of my Araceae pages are also duplicated at my old site,
http://cbl.ncsu.edu/~kk/Araceae/index.html. Feel free to poke around
whichever site works best for you. The list of changes is as follows:
* A page with unknown aroids - I have no clue as to what they are. (Dick,
could you link them to the Aroid ID center? advTHANXance!).
* Plenty of new genera pages, some transferred from my old site, some new.
The new species, never before seen in my pages, are: Alocasia californica,
unknown variegated alocasia, Arisaema heterophyllum, Arisaema speciosum,
unidentified Arum seedling, unidentified white-leaved Caladium, Caladium
schomburgkii, Pinellia pedatisecta, Typhonium giganteum, Xanthosoma
violaceum, and Zantedeschia elliotiana.
* Amorphophallus ankarana tuber (including: how to repair an
amorphophallus tuber).
* Amorphophallus bulbifer stem pattern closeup photo
* Pink leaf edges on Amorphophallus bulbifer finally captured in a photo!
Also, Amorphophallus bulbifer tuber with some root structure.
* A closeup of a really black leaf of Alocasia "Black Velvet"
* Alocasia "Green Velvet"
* New photo of Alocasia plumbea getting bigger (and nice stem closeup).
* New photos of Alocasia wentii.
* Amorphophallus henryi getting bigger.
* Amorphophallus konjac seedlings. Also, a comparison with the "Black
Stem" seedling of about the same size.
* Amorphophallus krausei tuber with offsets.
* Completely rearranged pages with Amorphophallus odoratus, including new
photos (pretty pink cataphyll).
* Anchomanes difformis tuber.
* Anthurium page with three species.
* This year photos of variegated Arisaema angustatum.
* Arisaema candidissimum tuber.
* Arisaema heterophyllum page.
* Arisaema speciosum page.
* Remusatia vivipara inflorescence.
* All stuff from my old site, reformatted in the new style.
Krzysztof Kozminski
http://www.net#gate.net/~kk/ (remove # before browsing)
kk@net#gate.net (remove # before replying)
"Applying computer technology is simply finding the right wrench to
pound in the correct screw."