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  Ecuadorian aroids--Elizabeth`s photo site.
From: ju-bo at msn.com (ju-bo at msn.com) on 2008.06.30 at 10:02:02(18012)
> Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 10:46:25 -0400
> From: pugturd at alltel.net
> To: aroid-l at gizmoworks.com
> Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Ecuadorian aroids

Dear Elizabeth,

First off, thanks a million for sharing those remarkable photos with all of us.
Brian, when I lived in Quito, Ecuador, I was not even aware of the garden! Zantedeschia (an African native) was common as a plant around houses in the City.
Steve---when I lived and worked in Ecuador I was not at that time ''into'' aroids!
A few comments on your photos, some of the plants illustrated, and some suggestions.
The photo bucket site was difficult for me, as there were MANY ''pop-ups'' which slowed me down considerably. I suggest that, when time permits, you sort the photos out into Ecuadorian natives and non-Ecuadorian aroids.
A label on the bottom of each thumb-nail would speed things up, as every time I saw a plant which I had a question about, I had to open the image to see what it was, and the pop-ups started!
Two plants in particular I would like additional info. on, IF possible. On page #10, photo #8 is labeled "P. bipinnatifidium, Super dwarf form". It grows next to what look like a path of brick-type pavers, and I believe I saw another photo of the same plant on a later page? Can you add anything to where the photos were taken, or any info. on where the plant originated?
Also, the last photo on pg. # 5 is labeled ''Philodendron adamantinum". It is not this species, but this photo (and several others on the site) leads me to believe that sometime in the past the Ecuadorian/Quito Bot. Garden obtained seed, probably from Brazil, which was labeled as P. adamantinum??? We believe this plant to be an extreme form of P. bipinnatifidium. It ''matches'' photos in Graff`s OLD volumes of "Exotica", many of which by today`s standards were mislabeled using names and ID`s which are no longer correct, but in "Exotica'' are labeled as P. adamantinum.
It would be nice to see a couple photos of wild-collected (or photos taken in the field) of Anthurium andreanum (this species occurs in W. Ecuador!!), we could then compare these photos of Ecuadorian ''natural'' plants to the ones illustrated on your site, all of which look to be the ''fancy'' vars. developed in Hawaii. All of these ''fancy'' Anthuriums originated from this species which occurs in the wild only in W. Colombia and W. Ecuador.
Thanks again! Keep up the good work.



From: Steve at ExoticRainforest.com (ExoticRainforest) on 2008.06.30 at 15:54:30(18017)
Beth gets any credit for the photos and ID's. She asked for a tiny bit of help and I made a few suggestions as to possibilities but no probable names. Windy Aubrey also made some suggestions as well.

I believe Beth has done some correspondence with Tom but am not sure of his input. He did forward one possible name to an unusual form to me but I'm unsure of his final opinion since at this point he hasn't actually examined the specimen! I'd sure like to hear it though since that Anthurium at the botanical garden has a very unusual spathe and spadix.

I do know Beth is anxious to find good names so if anyone can offer those, please post them for her. Mostly what we discussed were possible variants of Anthurium angamarcanum. All of you really serious Anthurium collectors out there can hopefully help her in her quest for good information.

Leland sent a private note to me and asked I invite Beth to join Aroid l due some of her posts on the internet. Beth is a young collector and is quite avid in her quest for knowledge. So all of you, please offer good info she can use. There was a small discussion about her electing to study botany since she is now in the theater trade, and I would encourage her to do so. I recently asked Tom about going back to school myself due to my high interest in learning aroid botany. Regrettably, I'm a bit beyond my prime so I'll continue to study under the tutelage of all our renowned experts.


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