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  Philodendron sp., Atlantic forest, Northeastern Bahia,
From: Alex Popovkin <popovkin at gmail.com> on 2011.02.06 at 09:39:53(21862)
ID help requested on this local Philodendron sp. (Brazil:Bahia:Entre Rios:Areal:-12.15 -37.53 50m).



Alex Popovkin, Bahia, Brazil
-12.01 -38.02



From: Johannes Moonen <emeraldjunglevillage at wanadoo.fr> on 2011.02.06 at 19:22:04(21867)
Dear Alex,

a hemiphyte with 'fiberous' stem and assymetric juvenile leaves.

it looks a lot like Philodendron fragrantissimum.

the petioles are a bit thin, but this can be influenced by light conditions.

P. fragrantissimum in Brazil is known from the states of Roraima and Amazonas.

if not this species, it is closely related. Joep



From: Scherberich <aroids at numericable.fr> on 2011.02.06 at 20:16:56(21869)
Dear Alex,

It looks very much like Philodendron fragrantissimum.

Best regards,




From: brian lee <lbmkjm at yahoo.com> on 2011.02.06 at 22:14:38(21870)
Dear Alex,


I focus on Philodendron subgenus, Meconostigma...this one is a member of the subgenus, Philodendron. Marcus Nadruz or Eduardo Goncalves would be the best to comment on this taxon. However, it looks like it has affinities to Philodendron melinonii of the Amazonian regions. The only thing that is atypical is the long internode of the younger growth. I have seen this happen if the seedling is found wedged in the persistent leafbases of palms and the internodes can elongate. This particular plant looks like an immature of Philodendron melinonii. It may be something totally different as your location is so far south from the natural distribution range of this species. At any rate the
fibers and certain details remind me of this.

On a Meconostigma question, could you photograph and post pictures of Philodendron saxicola and Philodendron leal-costae , found in Bahia? If you run across any Meconostigma in Bahia, like Philodendron williamsii....any habitat photos would be very interesting to see.





From: Eduardo Gomes Goncalves <eduardo.goncalves at inhotim.org.br> on 2011.02.06 at 23:08:18(21871)
Dear Alex,

This is Philodendron fragrantissimum, quite common in restingas and secondary forests.

Very best wishes,




From: Alex Popovkin <popovkin at gmail.com> on 2011.02.07 at 00:26:44(21875)
Thanks to all who answered my query.

I will go with Ph. odoratissimum since it got the preponderance of votes. I checked the collection data for it (using http://www.splink.org.br/index), and it looks like mine is the most northeastern location in Bahia.


Alex Popovkin, Bahia, Brazil
-12.01 -38.02



From: Alex Popovkin <popovkin at gmail.com> on 2011.02.07 at 00:38:17(21876)
Sorry for the wrong/nonexistent sp. name: I meant of course Philodendron fragrantissimum (Hook.) G.Don.

Alex Popovkin, Bahia, Brazil
-12.01 -38.02


From: brian lee <lbmkjm at yahoo.com> on 2011.02.07 at 02:16:32(21879)
Dear Eduardo, Joep, and David,


I knew someone would know more about this than I. I just took a look at Tom Croat's treatment of Philodendron subgenus Philodendron. What a widespread species! Central to South America . Croat does not list Bahia, but, obviously this species is widely distributed. Very ornamental on top of all that.

Aloha and mahalo,




From: Johannes Moonen <emeraldjunglevillage at wanadoo.fr> on 2011.02.07 at 11:51:22(21883)
Dear Leland,

I have slides of both Saxi and Leal in nature at the Chiapas Diamantinas in Bahia.

I will digitalize and sent them to you.

Tchao, Joep



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