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  Amorphophallus titanum Blooming at Fairchild Tropical Garden
From: "Susan T. Staiger" <ststaiger at earthlink.net> on 1998.06.17 at 16:37:21(2321)
I visited the titanum yesterday afternoon and it is certainly not
being overhyped!!! The big news is that a time lapse camera was
installed shortly before I got there which means there will be a filmed
record of the final development and opening of the inflorescence.
This should be a fascinating process.
It looks like it is maybe a couple of days away from full flower but
really, what do any of us know!!!?.
Tricia Frank of IAS has been there each afternoon to answer questions
and help watch the plant while Craig M. Allen,the grower and proud
"father" tries to get some other work done around the greenhouse.
I guess I am hooked now and will,whether I have time or not,be making
the daily trek to FTG for the duration of this genuine EVENT in the
From: "Greg Ruckert" <greg at ezi-learn.com.au> on 1998.06.18 at 03:05:46(2323)
>I visited the titanum yesterday afternoon and it is certainly not
>being overhyped!!! The big news is that a time lapse camera was
>installed shortly before I got there which means there will be a filmed
>record of the final development and opening of the inflorescence.
>This should be a fascinating process.

Over recent days we have seen a woman giving birth over the net. Pity we
can't get a netcam of the titanum. Far more interesting than watching
someone that you don't know giving birth - and a much rarer event as well.

Failing that, the idea appeals to me of converting the time lapse photos to
gifs, then animating them. If nobody else wants to do it I am happy to if I
can get hold of the pics.

Greg Ruckert

From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1998.06.18 at 04:42:26(2324)
> Failing that, the idea appeals to me of converting the time lapse photos to
> gifs, then animating them. If nobody else wants to do it I am happy to if I
> can get hold of the pics.


Good idea. I am headed down to FTG Friday morning with Dewey and we'll
talk with the powers that be.


From: "Greg Ruckert" <greg at ezi-learn.com.au> on 1998.07.05 at 00:26:35(2415)
Hi Don,
-----Original Message-----
To: greg@ezi-learn.com.au
From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1998.07.05 at 00:52:42(2416)
> Has there been any progress with the pics? I notice that Atlanta has tried
> to do something similar to what I suggested but unfortunately not very well.
> Greg Ruckert


I called Craig Allen about the status of the time lapse stuff last week,
but I never heard from him. So, Dewey or I will reach him in the coming
week to find out what has happened to the time lapse stuff. We could
build a moving GIF and make that viewable on the website. But I think a MPEG
movie might be even better. Several megabytes of MPEG would show a lot
and we would make the file FTPable.

By the way, two cameras were used there. The second took time
lapse shots from an overhead view. Hopefully we can do something with
both. To my knowledge no one has ever viewed A. titanum from above as it


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