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  Re: Amorphophallus titanum Blooming at Fairchild Tropical Garden
From: "Greg Ruckert" <greg at ezi-learn.com.au> on 1998.06.18 at 03:05:46(2323)
>I visited the titanum yesterday afternoon and it is certainly not
>being overhyped!!! The big news is that a time lapse camera was
>installed shortly before I got there which means there will be a filmed
>record of the final development and opening of the inflorescence.
>This should be a fascinating process.

Over recent days we have seen a woman giving birth over the net. Pity we
can't get a netcam of the titanum. Far more interesting than watching
someone that you don't know giving birth - and a much rarer event as well.

Failing that, the idea appeals to me of converting the time lapse photos to
gifs, then animating them. If nobody else wants to do it I am happy to if I
can get hold of the pics.

Greg Ruckert

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