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  Amorph Konjac
From: Dana <dana at homecom.com> on 1998.06.18 at 15:59:59(2329)
Since we're on the subject of Amorphs, I've got a quick question or
two.. I've got a few tubers of A. Bulbifer which are all coming up
nicely, and a single larger tuber of A. Konjac which is doing much of
nothing. I dug it up about two weeks ago to see what the tuber was
doing, and it still appears to be dormant. Looks like the old tuber from
last year, which was still attatched to the side had gone soft and mushy
and came off in my hand as I was inspecting the tuber, but there was no
damage to the new tuber, which is still very firm. I had it in a 6"clay
pot with potting soil in it.. Is this the best way to keep it or should
I pull it and keep it dry until it sprouts? I want to make sure the
tuber doesn't rot. I overwintered it in a plastic baggie with a moist
paper towel in the bag along with it. When I pulled it out in the spring
it looked like it had started growing (the growing tip was nice and pink
and about 1" tall) but since then it's dried back to it's normal dormant
tip. Is it too much to hope for to get this puppy growing this summer?
Any suggestions? Thanks!

From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1998.06.18 at 18:12:20(2331)

My konjac's are usually the last to emerge in my Amorphophallus farm, and
I have always suspected this was the case because konjac is the "least
tropical" of my plants. I don't believe konjac particularly cares for
this hot and steamy south Florida weather.

Your note said you had the tuber planted in a 6 inch pot, but you did not
say how large the tuber is. My potting technique usually calls for a
container diameter that is a minimum of 3 times the diameter of the tuber.

You mentioned the use of "potting soil". The word "soil" to me means
"dirt". You should be planting in a loamy planting medium that does not
collect and hold water.


From: Michael Marcotrigiano <marcotrigiano at pssci.umass.edu> on 1998.06.18 at 21:04:09(2332)
We store konjac dry in the 45F cooler or dry in it's pot. No added
moisture. Our experience is that bringing them into a warm room and waiting
for the pink sprout to come up is a better guarantee against rotting. I
would suggest digging the konjac up and leaving it in a warm room until you
see if wants to sprout. I pot mine very shallow with the sprout right at
the surface. Corms (yes I think Amorphophallus are corms not tubers but no
one has an opinion to my listserv query so they have contractile roots that
bring them down deeper as needed. This is just my experience - others may
have other opinions. I've grown over 2,000 konjacs last year and none of
them rotted.

From: Dana Scholle <dana at homecom.com> on 1998.06.18 at 21:09:57(2333)
Thanks everyone for the responses thus far! Well, the tuber is.. let's
see... about three inches across. It does need a bigger pot, doesn't it?
Well, another thing that struck me as strange was that it leafed out really
late last year, July or August I think, and kept growing through the
winter. I'd just assumed from the sprout that it had broken dormancy. I
think the high humidity in the plastic bag had caused it to sprout, but
then when I opened it, the lower humidity caused it to die back. (?)
*laugh* anyway.. Wish I could be languishing in some hot, steamy south Florida
From: "ken johnson" <ken2j at dte.net> on 1998.06.19 at 00:00:52(2334)
A general comment regarding A. Konjac, ours are just now coming out of the
ground, as the have done in mid-Jine every year for the last three. They
should be around until September, when they will go dormant for another
eight months (no flowers yet). They grow outdoors completely untended in
our Z-8 So. Carolina soil.

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