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This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.
[aroid-l] TitanWatch update list
From: "Craig Allen" callen at fairchildgarden.org> on 2003.05.13 at 20:20:26(10250)
In years past I had a huge list of e-mail addresses that received my TitanWatch updates. A year or more ago after a computer crash all those addresses were lost. This year I have been so foggy that it just now dawned on me that I haven't put out a guest sign in sheet that asked people if they wanted on the list. So, though it is too late for this year, I am going to start building up that list. If you know anyone that wants their e-mail added to the list, have them e-mail me directly at Fairchild Garden. The only thing that will ever be e-mailed to you are the TitanWatch updates, and only when something neat is happening.
Be the first to know...
P.S. if at a later date your address does not work, I will drop it from the update list.
If you want off, just send me a short note and I will delete your address.
Craig M. Allen
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Conservatory Manager
Fairchild Tropical Garden
10901 Old Cutler Road
Coral Gables (Miami), FL 33156
Telephone: 305.667.1651, ext.3320
Fax: 305.667.6930
Email: callen@fairchildgarden.org
Web: www.fairchildgarden.org
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