>>Hi Nancy
In the wild plants from the monsoonal east are smaller in all their
vegetative dimensions and the leaf divisions are finer and, well, more
divided. The largest plants I have seen from th east are a shade under 1.5
metres tall in mature leaf.
Plants from the per-humid south are very robust - I have seen them with
leaves to 3 metres tall with a blade 1.5 metres in diameter. I known that
Wilbert has plants from the south and I am pretty sure that he also has
plants from the east, perhaps he could comment whether these size and leaf
division observations from the wild remain stable, or not, in cultivation.
Hope this is if interest
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 1:58 AM
Subject: Re: [aroid-l] Pycnospatha arietina
> Hi Peter,
> Thank you for your interesting information. Can you tell me if the
> leaves or appearance are the same on both types? Hmmm...I wonder which
type I
> have!!! :)
> Thanks so much again!
> Nancy
> > Hi Nancy
> >
> > Although I cannot add anything to the advice given by these excellent
> > growers that have responded to your question, I can add one small
> > observation about P. arietina in the wild. There appear to be two
> > types. In SE Thailand P. arietina occurs in either permanently damp and
> > humid evergreen forest while in central E Thailand it is most often in
> > seasonally dry grassland/woodland margins.
> >
> > Peter
> >
> >