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Re: [aroid-l] Selloum/Bipinnatifidum
From: "Derek Burch" derek at horticulturist.com> on 2003.07.17 at 07:35:17(10403)
The Editor of 'Aroideana' says "yes, please" to such a paper, both for
that publication, and because it would be great to have it sorted out
once and for all for Florida. (Is there such a thing as 'once and for
all' in taxonomy?) Derek
p.s to Eduardo I would like to repeat my recent question to you
publicly. The @selloum-type@ that we were working around at The Living
Rainforest had a very different smell to its leaves from that to which I
am accustomed in the common Florida plants. Any comments on odor as a
taxonomic character?
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