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[aroid-l] Arisaema calcareum
From: Gusman Guy ggusman at ulb.ac.be> on 2003.08.21 at 16:01:17(10527)
Perhaps, you also got plants from Catch, last year, as "Arisaema calcareum P0213". Some are in flower by now and they are... Arisaema petelotii. A good introduction indeed that shows that A. petelotii is found on both sides of the Vietnam-China border.
In fact, the presence of A. petelotii in China was already pointed out by Li Heng who, at first, called it A. violaneum. Later Nguyen Van Du recognized it as synonym with A. petelotii. Very beautiful plant.
Does another aroider get P0213 in flower?
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Guy Gusman
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