Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 9:24 AM
Subject: [aroid-l] Philodendron x evansii
Hi List
A very quick hello - I live and garden in the southeastern corner of England
and have a passion for subtropical style gardening. Aroids are, it is
hardly worth saying, indispensible for this - both hardy and tender ones
bedded out for the summer. Unfortunately the climate in most of our country
makes growing many of the jungly aroids as returning perennials impossible,
in spite of our moderate winters, but they do ok for the frost free months
with a winter spent under glass just about frost free.
There is a one I have seen on the 'net that seems to be a particularly easy
care plant but it doesn't appear to be in cultivation anywhere in Europe
apart from maybe Botanical Gardens - that is Philodendron x evansii.
Does anyone on the list know of a commercial source, preferably one that is
prepared to ship to the UK? I saw through the archives that a few years ago
someone put these in TC, presumably they still are?
With regards to all
Paul Spracklin
42 Greenwood Avenue
South Benfleet
tel/fax +44 (0) 1268 757666
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