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Re: [aroid-l] walls
From: Betsy Feuerstein ecuador at midsouth.rr.com> on 2003.12.19 at 21:59:24(10955)
Perhaps an option most have never thought about is 'cool cell'. My philos love
it. Only problem is they grow above it into the heater. That is not so good.
Not sure I would recommend it due to the cost, but it is an option that might
be considered. Old cool cell could be the back bone of some other
configuration. One would have to use a wire support system I think.
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Brian Williams wrote:
> I have tried many things here are a few that work well
> of course spaghum walls
> coconut fiber
> grade A cyperus mulch looks like red hairs a lot like coco fiber hard to
> find the good stuff we sell it here at 6.00 a bag
> I have also been thinking of using durable capillary underlayment about
> two think and a thin coat of spaghnum or coco fiber on top nailed to a
> wall with wire over it should hold up well and retain a lot of water?
> This one I have not tried yet but bet it would do well.
> Tbe best looking one I think is the rock wall but much harder to construct.
> I did a little research on this. I am a firm believer in capillary
> matting. I have been using it on three tables in my greenhouse for the
> last few years. Only problem I have had is roots growing to it. It helps
> keep up humidity makes the tables a bit cooler and keeps everything
> moist but not really soaking wet.
> So if one was to build the wall I would put up some plastic then
> probably two layers of capulary matting. Then over this a fine layer of
> spaghnum some wire to old it together and maybe more spaghnum to make it
> look pretty. A drip hose at the top would be idea and if it were me I
> would have the whole thing setting on a pond liner were the water could
> be recycled but that would be us to the person and what he or she wants
> to grow on this wall.
> Another good thing with these walls is having a fan with a very small
> mister attached I have three of these in my greenhouse that stay on just
> about 24/7 the water is heated in them for winter and is not in the
> winter. This makes the humidity unreal in the greenhouse. But its so
> light that you don't really get wet just thickens the air.
> Here are some places to buy the materials.
> Drip works is the place I bought the misters at they have a few forms I
> tried about everyone feel free to ask if you want to know which is best
> for your greenhouse.
> These places carry the capillary matting.
> http://www.carlinsales.com/page.cfm/208
> http://www.ihp.nl/ihp-supplies/ihp-irrigation-mat.htm
> Coco fiber
> http://www.cocofibres.com/en/catalogue.html
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