From: "Timothy S. Chapman" lists at> on 2004.01.09 at 04:09:20(10993)
I know a few people on the list are interested in the Thai Caladiums.
I've been trying for a long time to get a collection going and get some
information on them. It hasn't been an easy process, and I had pretty
much given up. Amazingly enough though I've been asked to help out a
thai friend who is going to author both a thai and english book on the
thai caladiums. I don't know when the book will become available, it is
still being written, and the photographs being taken etc. I've been
given several photos already and will be getting many more to put up an
on-line gallery and to post some info on the caladiums since there is so
little info out there. I've been importing a few varities for the last
couple of years, but was pretty limited in what was available. There
seems to be an effort there to make the more desirable varities
commercially available, which will be nice.
I'm redoing all of my ginger stuff into a new format for the web which
will work well for this caladium project too. Until that is ready, I've
put up a VERY quick page with 10 varieties. Only a few are named, the
rest are new hybrids. I'll make another post when something more
substantial is up. I was both surprised and happy to hear about this
project as there is nothing in english on the thai caladiums, and the
two Amarin Press books are already out of print (and won't be
re-printed). The history of these caladium is pretty interesting, and
should make for a great read.
I've been asked to ask what people would like to see in the english
version, so if anybody has any suggestions please forward them to me.
I'd like to help make this as good as possible for the people that would
buy it, so any input would make the job easier.
The very no-frills page is at :
Tim Chapman
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