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Re: [aroid-l] Cultural tips for Chlorospatha?
From: Aroideae at aol.com on 2004.03.05 at 22:28:29(11226)
hi michael,
am anxious to see the photo of 'china' on your website. let me know when
you post it. sphagnum is great for re-starting stems that have decided to
give up at the apex! if you do your final potting in sphagnum, don't pack it
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tight. something i neglected to mention-----because the plants require so much
moisture and need warm conditions and plenty of fertilizer, the medium tends
to break down rapidly, so i repot at least every year, often more frequently
with sphagnum-plantings. Chlorospatha is notoriously difficult to grow and i
think most of that is attributable to their need for HIGH humidity and
intolerance of stale potting medium. although they grow in very wet conditions,
soil-wise, the moisture is constantly moving through the substrate, so the soil and
water never go 'bad'.
Thanks everyone for all your help. Yes, these did come from Ecuagenera and I
must say they are quite beautiful, healthy looking plants. Hopefully I can
keep them this way in my greenhouse. I put them in straight spaghnum and
probably pot the C. mirabilis up in a mix later in the spring. I figure if I
can successfully grow these tough little guys I can grow just about
(J/K.) Lynn, if you want I can send you pictures of the C. "china". I know
VERY little about this genus so I couldnt tell you if this is a true hybrid
maybe an unidentified species? Michael, do you know? Will post pictures on
my website later if anyone else wants to look at them.
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