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  [aroid-l] Question--Colocasia "Black magic"
From: "Dean Ouer" <d.ouer at cox.net> on 2004.03.14 at 06:32:19(11270)
Can any of you aroid experts answer the following question about the "Black Magic" colocasia?
I grow it in So California and also in Hawaii. The leafs look identical to me in both locations so I always assumed they are the same species. However, when grown in California it "suckers" only right next to the base of the mother plant. The suckers are so close it is even hard to split off the "pups." In Hawaii it sends out long runners (3-5 feet long) with a plantlet on the end like I have seen other Colocasias do. But the "Black Magic" I grow in California has never sent out a runner. And the one I grow in Hawaii only seldom suckers close by.
Are there two different species of "Black Magic" or is this difference in growth due only to climate?
Thanks for any feedback,

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