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[aroid-l] Bogner dr h.c.
From: "Jan D. Bastmeijer" <crypts at bart.nl> on 2004.04.04 at 20:02:24(11359)
As you probably know, Josef Bogner was and is very active in the
waterplant hobby, with special interest in the aroid genera Cryptocoryne
and Lagenandra. In these genera he is honored: Cryptocoryne bogneri
(Rataj 1975), and Lagenandra bogneri (de Wit, 1978), both species from
Sri Lanka.
Claus-Dieter Junge of the Aqua Planta group from southern Germany was at
the promotion in Botany of Josef at March 5, 2004, and took some
pictures. See the pictures at:
Jan Bastmeijer
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the crypts pages NEW URL,
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the lagenandra pages http://home.wanadoo.nl/lagenandra/
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