----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: [aroid-l] Symplocarpus/aquatics only
> I have currently been working on a new area of our nursery. We recently
> bought the 5 acres behind us were their is a valley and a creek. I am
> planning to put in a forest garden near the creek and around it. I am
> trying to get as many hardy aroids as possible to live in this area. I
> currently have Amorphophallus konjac many forms of arisaema, calla
> palustris, colocasia pink china , lysichiton americanus, orontium
> aquaticum, peltandra virginica, symplocarupus foetidus. As well as
> hostas petasites banana basjoo and other hardy unusuals.
> I am looking to see if anyone might know of other useful things to put
> in my new area. As well as anyone with extras of any hardy aroids or
> other unusuals that will work in this area. The other symplocarpus sound
> very interesting but I believe will be hard to track down. Here are a
> few I would like to see photos of or possible places that may sell them
> or trade.
> Calla montana?
> peltandra white flowering form?
> forms of Pinellia I have one or two forms already
> sauromatum what are the differences between guttatum and pedatum ?