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Re: [aroid-l] A. titanum seed
From: "Alan Galloway" <alan_galloway at bellsouth.net> on 2004.06.04 at 03:33:00(11561)
You're correct that it would be better if Amorphophallus seed
could be shipped with the berry pulp left on. The pulp helps
to keep the seed moist, as Amorphophallus seed loose viability
rather quickly if allowed to dry out.
Unfortunately, packets of seed coming into the U.S. are
suseptable to being inspected by customs. Should the customs
inspectors find berry pulp in a shipment, they'll simply
destroy the seed. I've heard from a fellow collector here
in the US, that their shipment from Malesiana was confiscated
because of the pulp left on the berries.
The only alternative is to clean the pulp off the seed and put
them in some kind of moist media before shipping.
I've grownd Am. titanum from seed (shipped to me without
the pulp) and the germination has been almost 100%.
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> Hi Troy,
> You indicate that you are going to ship the seeds out of the berry. I
> wonder if this is required or wise. I received Amorph hewitii seeds from
> Malesiana in the berry without a problem here in the U.S. Wouldn't the
> inside the berry be considered sterile? It would be great if Peter Boyce,
> Wilbert, Alan or others with expertise on Amorph seeds could comment on
> best way to ship. It would be a shame to ship seeds that didn't germinate
> well. Thanks to all that can comment and help the seeds arrive in perfect
> germinating condition.
> Dan Devor
> Pittsburgh, PA
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