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[aroid-l] updated plant web pages
From: "Alan Galloway" <alan_galloway at ncsu.edu> on 2004.06.10 at 18:01:33(11605)
Several of you have asked that I let you know when I update my
web page, hence this email message.
My digital camera up and died a few days ago, so I've not been able
to take any new photos, hence I've had a few hours at night to process
the photos that I've taken over the last few months, as well as
rearrange my existing web photos.
For those interested see:
| +More |
I've tried to limit just 12 photos to each page for faster downloading, but
Amorphophallus and Typhonium pages still have lots of pics on each page.
At some point I'll get them cleaned up into a more presentable fashion.
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.