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Re: [aroid-l] Germinating titanium seeds
From: <ronlene at bellsouth.net> on 2004.06.23 at 22:45:02(11662)
> Hi Ron,
I have also received some of these seeds. Regarding the planting of the titanum seeds, how do you determine the position to plant them in the soil? Also, I am accustomed to seeing one leaf grow each season from the Amorphophallus that I have. Is growing from seed different?? Ron Kessler
> From: Ronmchatton@aol.com
> Date: 2004/06/23 Wed PM 05:20:53 EDT
> To: aroid-l@lists.ncsu.edu
> Subject: Re: [aroid-l] Germinating titanium seeds
> I have now handled two batches of Am. titanum from seed and have found them
> fairly easy. The seeds were removed from the berry and planted in Fafard 3B (a
> peat/perlite potting soil that is quite open, holds a great deal of water but
> with excellent drainage) cut with about 15% extra perlite. I keep the medium
> just barely moist and time to emerge from the soil has averaged about 6
> weeks. I've had no problem with them kept in a bright greenhouse with about 2500
> footcandles (70% shade or so) and day/night temperatures of 80F/58F (about
> 15C/27C). Once the seedlings emerged, they have been given a dilute solution of
> Peters 16-16-16 fertilizer at nearly every watering.
> The seeds planted in September are now putting up their second leaf. The
> largest of the seedlings is about a foot (30cm) tall.
> Ron McHatton
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