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RE: Mark's A. titanum
From: Wilbert Hetterscheid <hetter at vkc.nl> on 1997.09.08 at 13:47:08(1185)
Dear Mary Jane,
Splitting of a tuber isn't the same thing as producing offsets. Offsets
are subsidiary to the main tuber, whereas splitting dissolves the main
| +More |
Cheers, Wilbert
> ----------
> From: MJ Hatfield[SMTP:oneota@ames.net]
> Reply To: aroid-l@mobot.org
> Sent: maandag 8 september 1997 0:53
> To: hetter@VKC.NL
> Subject: Re: Mark's A. titanum
> Mark said "For the first two
> growth cycles they made several leaves and split into two or three
> corms."
> Now I am confused! I thought that Wilbert stated in Aroideana #19
> concerning A. titanum..."no offset development.Leaf solitary."
> MJ Hatfield
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