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Re: Mark's A. titanum
From: Dana Scholle <dana at homecom.com> on 1997.09.08 at 13:51:47(1186)
I have a scanner, I'd be happy to help.
At 10:22 AM 9/7/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Don Burns asked me to send a photo to someone with a scanner when my next
>titanum leaf is unfurled. I'd be happy to. Any volunteers? A print, right?
>He also asked for horticultural "secrets". There aren't any. My passion is
>mainly for succulents and xerophytic epiphytes. I also have an incidental
>interest in other weird plants such as the flashier aroids, about which I
>know very little. The titanum seeds were from Palmengarten's index seminum
>in June 1993. The three seeds began to germinate almost immediately, but it
>took 18 months for the first leaf to unfurl completely. Since then they have
>been growing exponentially, which is kind of scary, considering photos I've
>seen of mature plants on the website (looks like about 15 feet?). I have
>very little time to find space for the next explosion which began this week.
>My greenhouse runs about 90 degrees F during the day (cooled by
>evaporation), and 55 to 75 at night, winter and summer respectively. The two
>remaining corms are in 24- and 36-inch pots in humus-rich potting mix. (I
>gave the third to a friend in Calif., and it died outdoors in winter.) They
>are fertilized with every watering at 200 ppm nitrogen. For the first two
>growth cycles they made several leaves and split into two or three corms. I
>gave two to the Biosphere; at least those should have enough room to mature.
>Now they make a single leaf per growth cycle. I didn't dig 'em up the last
>time they went dormant, so I don't know how large they are; the pots aren't
>bulging yet.
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>The only advice I've received is to dig a hole in the floor of the
>greenhouse. Well, my floor is typical Arizona caliche, a natural concrete.
>Oh, well. I'd seriously consider donating at least one of them to an
>institution with sufficient space the next time they go down. Sure would
>like to flower one, though.
>Mark Dimmitt, Horticulturist, Drylands Institute
>Mark Dimmitt Tucson, Arizona USA
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