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Re: [aroid-l] Amorph Blues Part 2
From: Neil Gordon <neil at ng23.abelgratis.co.uk> on 2004.07.30 at 17:21:00(11883)
Yup, pretty much as i expected.
Thanks for your advices guys and gals.
All i can say is a quote from the great Homer himself. (Simpson that
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On 30 Jul 2004, at 12:44, Wilbert Hetterscheid wrote:
Suddenly putting an Amorph in the sun is a bad idea. They are not
plants to begin with, although some do accept a few hours when the
have developed in bright conditions. I don't think your bulbifer will
too much. It is a very strong species and even one of the few able to
make a
second leaf after disturbance.
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