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Re: [aroid-l] variegated
From: "Temmerman" <temmerm at skynet.be> on 2004.08.23 at 18:13:33(12045)
I do like the look of variegated plants.
But I have a question Michael. You say on ebay that it is not a virus but a
genetic thing. If it is genetic, how do you explain that it is not always
the same, that it varies greatly and that not even all the offsets are
variegated? When I compare with let's say Hosta, then the variegation in
the plants is stabile and always the same. I would rather say that that is
genetic and that yours is a virus?
I am no good when it comes to genetics, so there may well be a perfectly
logical explanation. I was just wondering.
Whatever causes the variegation, I wish it would show up in more of my
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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [aroid-l] variegated
> Neil
> I guess people like that look. The last one I sold last year went for
> 475.00. If you take the time to read the web link you will see that they
> grow into very stunning variegated leaves - if you don't like
> variegation so be it -- but for those who do, this is the aroid holy
> grail. I bought a parrot with the profits fromt he last one. One hobby
> fuels another.
> _______________________________
> Michael Marcotrigiano, Ph.D
> Director of the Botanic Garden and Professor of Biological Sciences
> Smith College
> Lyman Conservatory, 15 College Lane
> Northampton, MA 01063
> email: mmarcotr@smith.edu
> voice: 413-585-2741; fax: 413-585-2744
> www.smith.edu/garden
> www.science.smith.edu/~mmarcotr
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Art is the unceasing effort to compete with
> the beauty of flowers and never succeeding."
> Marc Chagall
> >>> neil@ng23.abelgratis.co.uk 08/23/04 01:08PM >>>
> On 23 Aug 2004, at 17:20, Michael Marcotrigiano wrote:
> > For those of you who were asking I decided to sell a few of my
> > variegated Amorphophallus plants (A. konjac 'Shattered Glass'). There
> > is
> > one on ebay right now.
> >
> Looks like the A Bulbifer leaf I left out in the full sun a few weeks
> ago!
> (only mines more, er... crispy!)
> Quite a few Hewitii seedlings there also, I wonder where they came from
> :)
> Neil
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