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  RE: [Aroid-l] Invasive plants
From: "ron" <ronlene at bellsouth.net> on 2004.08.29 at 16:06:09(12085)
Hi Danny,
It's good to hear a response to my note. This is a
very worthwhile example of what can happen when an innocent gardener tries a new
plant in his garden. These invasive "treasures" can do the environment NO
good. Call your local County Agricultural Extension Service and tell them about
it and they can tell you how to eradicate the pest plant. DO NOT
offer it to your friends!! This will further pollute our precious
environment. Let your conscience be your guide.
I am NOT a radical,protestor, environmentalist or a person
who chains himself to gates, but I have seen the long term damage that evasive
plants and animals can do to our country. Let's hear some more
opinions! Ron Kessler

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