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Re: [Aroid-l] Great Pistia!
From: hermine <hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 2004.08.29 at 16:20:41(12088)
At 06:33 AM 8/29/04, HUDSONSBIRDS@webtv.net wrote:
The word "INVASIVE" is
beginning to bother me. Is it invasive to stock a
pond or lake with introduced fingerling BASS or BREAM ???Are they
to be classed as "invasive"?Water hyacinth can be a hazard to
travel in
boats--but in fact it is a water purification plant at the best.
"Invasive" is a tricky word The strongest will
I am reminded of the bomb tests on Bikini atoll.
it is now solid green, and the same introductory plant, some giant tree
fern i am humiliated to report i have forgotten which one, was the first
to grow there. what is lost is the diversity of species. instead of
having say, eight billion different kinds of plants, the regrowth
is only a couple of dozen. when you start from a position of total
I do not know why the earth is not completely covered in Oxalis, if there
were prizes for it, including size of its onion, i would be a contenduh.
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