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  RE: [Aroid-l] Invasive plants
From: "ron" <ronlene at bellsouth.net> on 2004.08.29 at 17:32:30(12091)
Hi John,
Sorry for the delay. I recently installed Windows SP2 and the Firewall
thinks my Aroid mail is Junk ( Who Knows?). I'm slowly catching up. You
have many good points. Regarding some of the food crops, it may be easier
to buy them in the supermarket, than let them invade out yards. Most of the
other food crops have a proven record of safety. This is all I am
suggesting. Kudzu, Pistia, Brazilian Peppertree, Australian Pine, Umbrella
Tree, etc and some fish species do not. Careless plant importers that
recently brought in diseases such as the Cycad scale, the lobate scale, the
rapid Oak disease are not helping either. We should not contribute to the
problem. Ron

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