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RE: [Aroid-l] Amorph titanum flowering in Sydney, Australia - PS
From: "Alistair Hay" <ajmhay at hotmail.com> on 2004.10.08 at 00:43:44(12263)
Images at http://www.rbgsyd.gov.au
>From: Paul Tyerman
>Reply-To: Discussion of aroids
>To: Discussion of aroids
>Subject: [Aroid-l] Amorph titanum flowering in Sydney, Australia
>Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2004 08:55:40 +1000
>Howdy All,
>I found out on the news last night that Amorphophallus titanum is
>currently in flower in the Tropical House at the Botanic Gardens in
>Sydney, Australia. I thought I'd inform the group in case there was
>anyone who was in Sydney who didn't know about it and wanted to see
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>If I'd known about it being about to open I would have arranged to
>get up there to see it, but unfortunately it only appeared on the
>news last night already in flower and I couldn't just drop
>everything to get up there and see it today. Most frustrating as i
>definitely would have got up there if I'd known.
>Hopefully all of those on this list in the Sydney region interested
>in Amorphs will get a chance to view it as it is only the second
>time there has ever been a flowering in Australia I have been told.
>Last night the Botanic Gardens remained open until midnight to allow
>people to view it. I'd imagine if still open this evening the same
>will likely apply.
>Paul Tyerman
>Canberra, Australia (a few hours south of Sydney unfortunately)
>Aroid-l mailing list
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